Il-Kumpann tal-Installazzjoni tal-Bieb Ultimate tiegħek

Il-Kit ta 'Installazzjoni tal-Bibien Fivalo™ huwa ddisinjat biex jissimplifika u jissimplifika l-proċess ta' installazzjoni ta 'bibien ta' kull tip, inklużi bibien tal-but, barn, bifold, u Franċiżi.

Disinn bla sforz, li jiffranka x-xogħol

Issimplifika l-installazzjonijiet tal-bibien b'Fivalo™. Mibnija bl-azzar heavy-duty u rinfurzat sa 500 lbs, dan il-dolly inaqqas it-tensjoni tad-dahar, u joffri tqandil faċli u effiċjenti tal-bibien għal installazzjonijiet aktar faċli u veloċi.


Preċiżjoni Ħieles bl-Idejn

Esperjenza ta' pożizzjonament mingħajr idejn bil-karatteristika freestanding ta' Fivalo™. Irrombla u allinja faċilment il-bibien lejn il-jamb bi preċiżjoni, li jippermettilek hang il-bibien malajr mingħajr ma jkollok bżonn għajnuna.

Sigurtà u Protezzjoni Mtejba

Ipproteġi l-bieb, il-ħitan u l-art tiegħek b'tapit li ma jiżloqx li jipprevjeni ħabtiet diretti. Iddisinjat b'moħħ is-sigurtà, Fivalo™ jissalvagwardja lill-installatur u l-uċuħ tal-madwar minn ħsara aċċidentali.

Aġġustabilità versatili

B'settings aġġustabbli għall-ħxuna tal-bieb (1" sa 2-3/8") u għoli flessibbli, Fivalo ™ joqgħod għal kull tip ta 'bibien. Hija s-soluzzjoni perfetta għal installazzjonijiet professjonali u preċiżi tal-bibien f'inqas ħin, appoġġjati minn appoġġ tul il-ħajja.

Ebda Għodda Kkumplikata Meħtieġa

Kit ta 'installazzjoni tal-Panew tal-Bieb ta' Fivalo jagħmel id-DIY eħfef

Aġġustament Flessibbli, Installazzjoni Faċli

Tissodisfa diversi ħtiġijiet ta 'installazzjoni

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Andy Sowards
Works great for me

I got this to hang an interior door. I like how the units roll easily, even on our carpet. It makes hanging a door very easy as you can adjust the height by turning the knobs on the units. I hung the door at a bare minimum height and was still able to remove the dolly’s afterwards.

christa e mostoller
Very handy

These door dolly’s really help when hanging door slabs. The dolly’s have a steel welded frame with gussets to keep the frame from flexing. Each dolly has two casters with brakes with elevator screws to level the door front to back and left to right. The pocket is lined with foam to protect the door and the clamping screws are also padded. These are a great way to transport a heavy door. Both dolly’s are coated with glossy black paint.

Chris R
Exatly what I was hoping for

I've installed a fair number of doors, and getting them to stay in place and avoiding tension on the hinges while I am installing them has always been a two-person job or a pain for me. Not with these.
I won't repeat all the specs here, but from the size and quality of the build, I feel confident they will be able to handle the sizes of the doors I'll be using in my next project (wood, not metal, but I think it could handle metal as well). I like the rubber lining where the doors are held and the clamp holding them in place. The wheel heights are easily adjustable, and they spin and lock nicely.

Robert H
My New Favorite Tool - Adjustable Door Installer

This tool could not have come at a better time. I am renovating our 1800s Victorian farmhouse and as part of that process, all of those old, heavy, solid-wood doors have come down to be restored and then afterwards, re-mounted. This device is making it a single-person job now, which is fantastic. These devices are very simple to use, to ensure the door is aligned from multiple angles at the same time, which makes the mounting of the restored door hardware very easy and confidence-inspiring. Very pleased and highly recommended.